Pursuit is a social impact organization that trains people with the most need and potential for cutting edge positions in tech. Luckily, Pursuit has a different way of measuring potential than most. They don’t look at grades or test scores, resumes or portfolios. Instead they look at the traits of the person. At the human characteristics that transcend money and status. They look at things like drive, grit, tenacity, and will power. The hard-to-swallow pill is that people without financial security cannot realize their potential when they’re focused on life fundamentals such as food and shelter. Pursuit’s mission is to give those individuals the opportunity, skills, and network needed to lift themselves up and unlock their true potential.
Now let's turn that mission into a vision. Led by a kinetic, upward reaching arrow, the Pursuit wordmark (“P”) and surrounding identity help illustrate the momentum of personal advancement and determination. Through a simple loop-de-loop, Pursuit hops off the page and creates a feeling of excitement and optimism for the future of each student who enrolls. The typography throughout the system also invites feelings of movement and advancement. Stepping stones, elevators going up, or sometimes the dreaded one step forward, two steps back. It’s all a part of the journey, and the visual identity aims to magnify the process. And since real inspiration can only come through truth, we knew that it was critical to allow the success stories from real Pursuit graduates to drive messaging.
Now that we’ve given away the ending, let’s go back for a moment and talk about the name. Pursuit used to be called coalition for Queens. Why did the old name miss the mark? Because it had the wrong focus. We needed to bring it all back to the personal narrative. It’s the graduates that have the power to bring change home to their families. To their communities, to technology itself. And with a support system like none other, the American Dream can get closer to reality. That is, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Since launching, Pursuit’s new identity has driven growth and enrollment, helping Pursuit fill courses and train the next generation of tech leaders.